Hi folks,
We thought you might be interested in two pieces of news today about the “Join or DIe” film:

1. “Join or Die” was featured on NPR’s Marketplace show this morning:

2. “Join or Die” is now available to stream on Netflix:

 So much of the national conversation these days is intensifying our civic ills: polarization, screen addiction, alienation, distrust, and distraction from local community problem-solving. We hope JOIN OR DIE being more widely available can expand our efforts to offer critical counterprogramming: an urgent message that the fate of our democracy depends on our real-world engagement with our neighbors and routine participation in our local communities. 
The link to watch on Netflix is hereThe trailer is here on: VimeoInstagramTwitter, and downloadable at this linkFor more information on the film and our team, our website is here and press kit is here



Remember, our goal is community building and getting people involved face-to-face with folks in the neighborhood and with Portland as a whole. We’ll be talking about how to move toward this goal. We hope you can join us next Monday evening.


Barb DeSerres, Gregory Farino, Rosanne Graef and Mark Tappan

WENA Board members


Want to Get Involved?

We are always looking for volunteers – whether you have a background in horticulture, are willing to wield a spade, or just want to help out with the fun, we would love to have you join the team.

If you want to get involved with any of the programs above, just reach out to trees@wenamaine.org to get connected.

Where can I learn more?

Welcome to Re-Forest the City! Scroll down for information on our Tuesday Tree Talk series, our private yard free native tree/shrub program and more. We hope to see you soon