Zoom Meeting
Officers present: Liz Parsons, Kim Sutton, Gwynne Williams, Pamela Shaw, Leana Good-Simpson
Officers absent: Christian Bisimwa, Ian Jacob, Bryan Van Dussen, Barb DeSerres
Attendance: Espahbad Dodd, Peter Hall, Steve Scharf, Robert O’Brien, Roseanne Graef & Sarah Colton (Community Services Coordinator, West End Community Policing)
Secretary’s report:
No Minutes from the Sept 2020 meeting, it was an informal zoom meeting.
Treasurer’s report:
Not available
Community Policing:
- White supremacist flier sent to neighbors with rainbow flags. Case being sent to Maine Human Rights Commission
- Facebook post from Fresh Approach was discussed, incident referenced by post was not reported to PPD
- Use SeeClickFix to report problems: https://seeclickfix.com
Community Announcements:
- Steve Sharf mentioned the link to Zoom on WENAmaine.org was not working for him.
- Pamela gave an update on Harborview park, new fruit trees, potential works days, past projects and $12,000 of the grant given by MMC Community Grant was used by the City Parks Department to install concrete benches.
- Kim gave an update on PAN, Parkside and Western Prom Neighborhood Association have neighborhood plans and encourage all neighborhoods to have a plan to submit to City regarding the ReCode.
- Peter Hall and Lin Parsons gave an update on the MMC Community Grant yearly process and applications.
City Charter Commission candidate forum discussed, will coordinate with WPNA to host District 2 candidate form in April.
Motion to dismiss, and meeting adjourned at 7:00pm
NEXT WENA MEETING: April 14th, 2021 Zoom
Kim Sutton, President