Minutes of the West End Neighborhood Association (WENA) Meeting
Wednesday, 13 June2018
Reiche Community Room
Board members present: Barbara DeSerres, Ian Jacob, Steve Mortimer, Liz Parsons, Pamela Shaw,
Board members absent: Leana Good-Simpson, Rosanne Graef, Bryan Van Dussen, Gwynne Williams
Others present: Dick Anderson, Cameron Autry, Linda Atherton, Rich Bianculli, Sarah Colton, Espahbad Dodd, Peter Hall, Greg Jordan, Christine McHale, Lin Parsons, Penny Rich, Alice Ruvane, Melissa Skahan, Ben Skillings, Pete Taffel, Cheryll Smith, Barbara Wood
The meeting was called to order at 6:37 pm and self-introductions followed.
Secretary’s report
Minutes from the May, 2018 meeting were accepted as read.
Treasurer’s report
The Treasurer reported a total of $2571.49 in the checking account, with $679.08 available in general funds. WENA took in $31.49 in dues and $4.00 in WECANAIP movie donations. There was $168 in the WECANAIP account, $30 in petty cash, $1550.21 in the Swim for Life account, and $144.20 in the Harbor View Edible Hillside account.
Due to scheduling two guest speakers preceded the police report:
- Ben Skillings from Amistad and Melissa Skahan from Mercy Hospital discussed their shared efforts to serve the homeless community. People come to the emergency room who are profoundly mentally ill and can’t be served at the hospital. Ben and/or other Amistad representatives meet people in the ER and help assess their needs. Someone from Amistad is present daily at Mercy State St.
- Rich Bianculli, Neighborhood Prosecutor with the Portland Police Department, works on issues affecting the neighborhood. He gave an update on the City’s new graffiti mitigation efforts. The City collaborates with Tim Delahanty and Learning Works on this program whereby a group of kids do the graffiti removal.
Community policing
Sarah Colton talked briefly about a mugging near Reiche School at 9:30 pm one evening.
Invited Guest:
Greg Jordan, General Manager of Portland Metro, talked about recent developments and upcoming plans for Metro, including:
- Tracking for buses at SMTtracker.com
- Displays at high volume bus stops, possibly in 2019
- Seeking funding to make 120 stops ADA accessible
- Bus Stop improvements (new shelters cost $6500-$7500)
- Hiring on-demand temporary labor for snow removal at stops in winter
- Husky Line between Gorham and Westbrook and Portland
- Another line will run from Riverton to Maine Mall starting Aug 27
- Metro will be looking at the circulator system and possibly changing the pattern of the #8 bus in 2020
- Coleen Rainey announced the Little Sea Folk Festival on June 30th.
- Richard Anderson from 75 State St. invited WENA to their summer Festival July 2nd-7th.
- Ian Jacob said that Greater Portland Landmarks was interested in meeting with neighborhood associations.
- Barb Wood reminded everyone of the Portland Pride Parade on June 18.
- Espahbad Dodd asked for volunteers to help with the Codfish Funeral March on Sept. 8 as part of Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice.
- Liz Parsons reminded everyone that the WENA picnic will take place on Wednesday, August 8
The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm.
Pamela Shaw, Secretary