Western Cemetery Portland Maine

Feb Meeting Minutes

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WENA meeting minutes 
February 8, 2022.        6:30 pm on Zoom
Present:   Board members attending; Kim Sutton, Pamela Shaw, Barbara DeSerres and 
                 Roseanne Graef 
                  Also present:  Kris Clark, Peter Hall, Peter Monro and Steve Scharf
Agenda/ Community Announcements:
 1. Harbor view Park    presented by Pamela Shaw
     – There are grant monies that need to be used this year.
     – Plan A;  Plant native trees this fall on the slope below the lawn.
     – Plan B;  Install more park benches on the lawn.
     – Ask parks department for help removing invasive species on the slope below the lawn.
2.  Western Prom Summer Concerts     presented by Kris Clark
     – There will be a series of 6 concerts this summer from the second week in July through
        the end of August.
     –  The schedule and announcements will be posted on the WENA website and in West
         End News.
     –  Donations and volunteers from WENA were requested and will be welcome.
     –  Kris volunteered to help find a band for the WENA community picnic.
3.  Western Cemetery.   presented by Peter Monro
     –   Stewards of the Western Cemetery have reactivated in order to do gravesite restoration
          + fence and trail maintainence.
     –  SoWC have connected with Spirits Alive to get training on cemetery maintainence.
         Volunteers will be needed for restoration and landscaping.
     –  The Stewards have applied for 501C3 status and also for grants.
     –   Funds are needed for to restore damaged grave stones, a tool house and a water 
         hook up.
4.   Community Center programs.   Questions by Peter Hall
     – Roseanne Graef explained that activities at the WENA Community Center have been 
        cancelled because of low staffing levels in the City Rec department, with whom we
      – Reiche School will need our space this spring during the remodeling project.
5.  School Board Budget.   presented by Steve Scharf
      – The first draft of the budget is due on March 15.
      – City Council votes in the budget in May and it goes to referendum on June 14.
6.  Adjournment
Submitted by Barbara DeSerres, WENA Secretary