FREE FOR KIDS 0-18 years old at Reiche School MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 12:00-1:00 Starts Monday, June 25th Ends Friday, August 17th For more information, call Sarah 780-0495 ***Free Swim also starts on June 25th at Reiche Pool***
FREE FOR KIDS 0-18 years old at Reiche School MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 12:00-1:00 Starts Monday, June 25th Ends Friday, August 17th For more information, call Sarah 780-0495 ***Free Swim also starts on June 25th at Reiche Pool***
Lecture: June 13th, 6:15-7:15pm Arlene Palmer Schwind, Curator of Victoria Mansion, will present an illustrated talk about her fascinating research on Guidicini, the artist who was responsible for the astonishing wall and ceiling paintings of Victoria Mansion. From his training … Continued
The Portland Climate Action Team and the West End Neighborhood Association are once again sponsoring a Window Dressers Community Workshop this fall to build affordable, efficient window inserts. Window Dressers is a volunteer-driven non-profit organization dedicated to helping Maine residents … Continued
Join your neighbors at the Edible Hillside at Harbor View Park for the Spring Planting event at April 29th from 10AM to 4PM. More details to come, but in the meantime, check out this article in the West End News.
An Irish Heritage Center Presentation at Seventy Five State Street “THE IRISH CATHEDRAL” 6:00 – 7:00 PM Thursday, April 19, 2018 Gray Street Entrance 75 State St, Portland, ME Learn more about SFSS’s closest neighbor, the Irish Cathedral. The speaker … Continued
This year we’re trying a different approach to our annual spring clean-up: it’s more flexible and focused on the places we frequent every day. When: Saturday, 21 April Where: Throughout the West End How: Gather a few neighbors and choose … Continued
Seventy Five State Street presents the annual Spring Festival. Friday, April 6, 5-8pm First Friday Art Walk Art Show & Sale Resident Art Exhibits Resident Reception- meet the artists! Entertainment Refreshments Exciting Raffles & 50-50s Saturday, April 7, 9am-3pm Spring … Continued
Take time to breathe, stretch, and strengthen your body in this gentle Kripalu Yoga Class. Defined as the yoga of compassionate self-awareness, Kripalu yoga gives us a chance to tune info our body’s needs, and moves in ways that honor … Continued
Due to conflicts of schedule, we are postponing the Traffic Box Project meeting tonight (11/29) until sometime after the new year. If you’re interested in this project, you can learn more here.
We will be elaborating, sharing, and thinking about our designs for the five traffic boxes that we’ll be repainting in the Spring of 2018. Clifford Tremblay will have a map sample to critique as a group. Remember, you do not … Continued